Kartáče na vlasy a štětce na make up

Kartáče na vlasy a štětce na make up se štrasy Swarovski

Kartáče s přírodními kančími štětinami a ochrannými polyamidovými kuličkami na hrotech jsou vhodné pro všechny typy vlasů a pro každodenní rozčesávání. Tyto kartáče nepoškozují vlasy a masírují lebku. Jsou ozdobeny křišťály Swarovski od Mont Bleu, což jim přidává na kráse, aniž by přitom zároveň utrpěla jejich praktičnost.

Naše kartáče s přírodními kančími štětinami vyrábí německá firma Hercules Saegemann, jejíž výrobky preferují profesionálové z celého světa.

Štětce k nanesení make upu jsou z vybrané přírodní srsti a vlny, ale i z prvotřídních umělých vláken. Dík pevným vlněným vláknům s elastickými a měkkými konečky lze pudr na obličej nanést zcela rovnoměrně. Kosmetické štětce se dají koupit buď bez obalu, nebo v plastovém pouzdru. V nabídce máme štětce k nanášení tónovacího základu, sypkého i kompaktního pudru, zdravíček a stínů.

Námi nabízené štětce na make up vyrábí v Německu firma da Vinci. V České republice se pak tyto štětce ručně zdobí křišťály Swarovski.

Kde je můžete koupit? Kartáče na vlasy a štětce zakoupíte v našem internetovém obchodě, nebo u našich velkoobchodních prodejců. Chcete-li zakoupit naše výrobky ve velkém, kontaktujte nás.

Kartáče a štětce jsou součástí Kosmetických doplňků, k dispozici jsou i výrobky bez zdobení, včetně nezdobených kosmetických zrcátek, pinzet na obočí a skleněných pilníků na nehty.

Made of walnut with pure boar bristles

Design: Round hair brush
Kod: 9027
Popis: Made of walnut with pure boar bristles
Rozměr: L=230mm/9 inches
Made of walnut with pure boar bristles

Design: Round hair brush
Kod: 9028
Popis: Made of walnut with pure boar bristles
Rozměr: L=247mm/9.73 inches
Made of walnut with pure boar bristles

Design: Round hair brush
Kod: 9030
Popis: Made of walnut with pure boar bristles
Rozměr: L=230mm/9 inches
Made of walnut and ceramic with pure boar bristles

Design: Round hair brush
Kod: 9346
Popis: Made of walnut and ceramic with pure boar bristles
Rozměr: L=230mm/9 inches
Made of walnut and ceramic with pure boar bristles

Design: Round hair brush
Kod: 9352
Popis: Made of walnut and ceramic with pure boar bristles
Rozměr: L=230mm/9 inches
Made of walnut and ceramic with pure boar bristles

Design: Round hair brush
Kod: 9360
Popis: Made of walnut and ceramic with pure boar bristles
Rozměr: L=230mm/9 inches
Made of walnut and ceramic with pure boar bristles

Design: Round hair brush
Kod: 9366
Popis: Made of walnut and ceramic with pure boar bristles
Rozměr: L=230mm/9 inches
Made with soft-touch surface with pure boar bristles

Design: Round black hair brush
Kod: 9427
Popis: Made with soft-touch surface with pure boar bristles
Rozměr: L=230mm/9 inches
Made with soft-touch surface with pure boar bristles

Design: Round black hair brush
Kod: 9429
Popis: Made with soft-touch surface with pure boar bristles
Rozměr: L=247mm/9,73 inches
Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins

Design: Small wellness oval brush
Kod: 2201
Popis: Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=180mm/9.09"
Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins

Design: Medium wellness oval brush
Kod: 2221
Popis: Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=220mm/8.66"
Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins

Design: Large wellness oval brush
Kod: 2241
Popis: Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=250mm/9.84"
Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins

Design: Small wellness paddle brush
Kod: 2301
Popis: Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=185mm/7.28"
Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins

Design: Thin wellness long brush
Kod: 2321
Popis: Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=210mm/8.27"
Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins

Design: Large wellness paddle brush
Kod: 2341
Popis: Exclusive hair brush with high quality boar bristles and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=260mm/10.24
Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins

Design: Blue Scalp Brush
Kod: 8104
Popis: Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=154mm/6.06"
Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins

Design: Pink Scalp Brush
Kod: 8201
Popis: Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=215mm/8.47"
Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins

Design: Red Blackberry Scalp Brush
Kod: 8202
Popis: Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=215mm/8.47"
Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins

Design: Umber Scalp Brush
Kod: 8203
Popis: Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=215mm/8.47"
Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins

Design: Yellow Scalp Brush
Kod: 8204
Popis: Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=215mm/8.47"
Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins

Design: Black Scalp Brush
Kod: 8200
Popis: Scalp brush suitable for all hair types, made of acrylic and nylon pins
Rozměr: L=215mm/8.47"
Wood hair brush with naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Oblong styling brush
Kod: 9044
Popis: Wood hair brush with naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: L=244mm/9.6"
Wood hair brush with naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Oval brush
Kod: 9045
Popis: Wood hair brush with naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: L=230mm/9"
Wood hair brush with naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Small paddle brush
Kod: 9046
Popis: Wood hair brush with naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: L=183mm/7.2"
Wood hair brush with naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Large paddle brush
Kod: 9047
Popis: Wood hair brush with naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: L=255mm/10"
Wood hair brush with rounded polyamide pins set in pneumatic cushion

Design: Detangling small paddle brush
Kod: 9248
Popis: Wood hair brush with rounded polyamide pins set in pneumatic cushion
Rozměr: L=183mm/7.2"
Wood hair brush with rounded polyamide pins set in pneumatic cushion

Design: Detangling large paddle brush
Kod: 9249
Popis: Wood hair brush with rounded polyamide pins set in pneumatic cushion
Rozměr: L=247mm/9.7"
Wood hair brush with naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Dressing brush
Kod: 9440
Popis: Wood hair brush with naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: L=220mm/8.66"
Wood hair brush with rounded polyamide pins set in pneumatic cushion

Design: Large paddle brush
Kod: 9447
Popis: Wood hair brush with rounded polyamide pins set in pneumatic cushion
Rozměr: L=250mm/9.84"
Hair brush with rounded polyamide pins set in pneumatic cushion

Design: Mini paddle brush
Kod: 9448
Popis: Hair brush with rounded polyamide pins set in pneumatic cushion
Rozměr: L=210mm/8.27"
Soft-touch black surface, rounded polyamide pins

Design: Vent brush
Kod: 9450
Popis: Soft-touch black surface, rounded polyamide pins
Rozměr: L=230mm/9.06"
Wood hair brush made in Germany

Design: Signal Crystal
Kod: HBMB-2.1
Popis: Wood hair brush made in Germany
Rozměr: 230mm/9.06 inches
Wood hair brush made in Germany

Design: Signal Green
Kod: HBMB-2.2
Popis: Wood hair brush made in Germany
Rozměr: 230mm/9.06 inches
Wood hair brush made in Germany

Design: Signal Fuchsia
Kod: HBMB-2.3
Popis: Wood hair brush made in Germany
Rozměr: 230mm/9.06 inches
Wood hair brush made in Germany

Design: Signal Yellow
Kod: HBMB-2.4
Popis: Wood hair brush made in Germany
Rozměr: 230mm/9.06 inches
Wood hair brush made in Germany

Design: Signal Light Blue
Kod: HBMB-2.5
Popis: Wood hair brush made in Germany
Rozměr: 230mm/9.06 inches
Wood hair brush made in Germany

Design: Signal Light Pink
Kod: HBMB-2.6
Popis: Wood hair brush made in Germany
Rozměr: 230mm/9.06 inches
Hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Motif I
Kod: HBMB-1
Popis: Hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Africa
Kod: HBMB-14
Popis: Hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=230mm
Hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Crystal Maze
Kod: HBMB-13
Popis: Hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=230mm
Hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Motif IV
Kod: HBMB-17
Popis: Hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Flowers
Kod: HBMB-16
Popis: Hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=244mm
Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Flowers
Kod: HBMB-16.2
Popis: Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=244mm
Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Flowers
Kod: HBMB-16.3
Popis: Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=244mm
Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Flowers
Kod: HBMB-16.4
Popis: Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=244mm
Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Flowers
Kod: HBMB-16.5
Popis: Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=244mm
Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Flowers
Kod: HBMB-16.6
Popis: Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=244mm
Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Flowers
Kod: HBMB-16.7
Popis: Wood hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=244mm/9.6"
Hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Twig
Kod: HBMB-12
Popis: Hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=244mm
Hair brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Breeze
Kod: HBMB-15
Popis: Hair brush with Swarovski crystals
Rozměr: L=244mm
Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Boar Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-18.1
Popis: Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Boar Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-18.2
Popis: Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Boar Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-18.3
Popis: Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Boar Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-18.4
Popis: Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Boar Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-18.5
Popis: Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Boar Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-18.6
Popis: Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles

Design: Boar Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-18.7
Popis: Styling hair brush with pure naturally selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Wood Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-19.1
Popis: Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Wood Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-19.2
Popis: Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Wood Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-19.3
Popis: Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Wood Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-19.4
Popis: Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Wood Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-19.5
Popis: Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Wood Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-19.6
Popis: Wood hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Natural Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-20.1
Popis: Hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Natural Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-20.2
Popis: Hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Natural Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-20.3
Popis: Hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Natural Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-20.4
Popis: Hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Natural Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-20.5
Popis: Hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Hair brush with selected boar bristles

Design: Natural Hair Brush
Kod: HBMB-20.6
Popis: Hair brush with selected boar bristles
Rozměr: 244mm/9.61 inches
Synthetic/articifial fibres, oval shape

Design: Foundation brush
Kod: 965-22
Popis: Synthetic/articifial fibres, oval shape
Brown mountain goat hair, round shape

Design: Retractable blusher brush
Kod: 3032
Popis: Brown mountain goat hair, round shape
Russian red sable hair, pointed shape

Design: Lip brush/liner
Kod: 4324
Popis: Russian red sable hair, pointed shape
Pony hair, slanted shape

Design: Eye-shadow brush
Kod: 4377
Popis: Pony hair, slanted shape
Smooth pony hair, slanted-oval shape

Design: Eye-definer brush
Kod: 4474
Popis: Smooth pony hair, slanted-oval shape
Russian red sable hair, pointed shape

Design: Eyeliner brush
Kod: 4614
Popis: Russian red sable hair, pointed shape
Superfine golden synthetic fibres, slanted shape

Design: Eye-liner angled brush
Kod: 4374-8
Popis: Superfine golden synthetic fibres, slanted shape
Dark brown - extra fine mountain goat hair, fan shape

Design: Fan brush
Kod: 4774
Popis: Dark brown - extra fine mountain goat hair, fan shape
Brown mountain goat hair, round shape

Design: Powder brush
Kod: 9422
Popis: Brown mountain goat hair, round shape
Metal travel box, smooth synthetic fibres in „cappuccino-colour“

Design: KABUKI Powder Brush
Kod: 9700
Popis: Metal travel box, smooth synthetic fibres in „cappuccino-colour“
Russian red sable hair

Design: Retractable Lip brush
Kod: 39420
Popis: Russian red sable hair
Set: applicator, blender, eye-definer

Design: Makup brush set MONOCHROME LOOK
Kod: 4802
Popis: Set: applicator, blender, eye-definer
Set: eyelash-brush, applicator, blender, liner

Design: Makup brush set SMOKEY EYES LOOK
Kod: 4803
Popis: Set: eyelash-brush, applicator, blender, liner
Set: eye-shadow, blender, blusher

Design: Makup brush set NUDE LOOK
Kod: 4806
Popis: Set: eye-shadow, blender, blusher
Set: 2 make-up brushes, blender, eyebrow brush, bended eyeliner

Design: Makup brush set CLASSIC LOOK
Kod: 4808
Popis: Set: 2 make-up brushes, blender, eyebrow brush, bended eyeliner
Set: Nappa leather case, blusher brush, powder brush, lip brush, applicator

Design: Makup brush set
Kod: 4828
Popis: Set: Nappa leather case, blusher brush, powder brush, lip brush, applicator
Powder brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Flowers I
Kod: CCB-7
Popis: Powder brush with Swarovski crystals
Blusher brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Tricolour I
Kod: CCB-8
Popis: Blusher brush with Swarovski crystals
Powder brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Corals II
Kod: CCB-9
Popis: Powder brush with Swarovski crystals
Powder brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Bubbles
Kod: CCB-10
Popis: Powder brush with Swarovski crystals
Make-up brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Tricolour II
Kod: CCB-11
Popis: Make-up brush with Swarovski crystals
Eyeshadow brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Flowers II
Kod: CCB-12
Popis: Eyeshadow brush with Swarovski crystals
Eyeshadow brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Motif I
Kod: CCB-13
Popis: Eyeshadow brush with Swarovski crystals
Eyeshadow brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Tricolour III
Kod: CCB-14
Popis: Eyeshadow brush with Swarovski crystals
Eyeshadow brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Motif II
Kod: CCB-15
Popis: Eyeshadow brush with Swarovski crystals
Retractable Blusher brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Motif III
Kod: CCB-16
Popis: Retractable Blusher brush with Swarovski crystals
Powder brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Motif IV
Kod: CCB-17
Popis: Powder brush with Swarovski crystals
Eyeshadow brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Tricolour IV
Kod: CCB-20
Popis: Eyeshadow brush with Swarovski crystals
Cosmetics brush with Swarovski crystals

Design: Motif VI
Kod: CCB-21
Popis: Cosmetics brush with Swarovski crystals