Zestawy upominkowe

Zestawy upominkowe z kieszonkowymi lusterkami, pęsetami, szklanymi pilniczkami do paznokci

Gifts sets with glass files, pocket mirrors and pc mouse

Wzór: Gifts sets made with Swarovski crystals
Kod: GS-1
Opis: Gifts sets with glass files, pocket mirrors and pc mouse
Gifts sets with glass files and pc mouse

Wzór: Gifts sets made with Swarovski crystals
Kod: GS-2
Opis: Gifts sets with glass files and pc mouse
Gifts sets with glass files and pc mouse

Wzór: Gifts sets made with Swarovski crystals
Kod: GS-3
Opis: Gifts sets with glass files and pc mouse
Gifts sets with glass file, tweezers and pocket mirror

Wzór: Gifts sets made with Swarovski crystals
Kod: GS-4
Opis: Gifts sets with glass file, tweezers and pocket mirror
Gifts sets with glass file, tweezers and pocket mirror

Wzór: Gifts sets made with Swarovski crystals
Kod: GS-5
Opis: Gifts sets with glass file, tweezers and pocket mirror
Gifts sets with glass file, tweezers and pocket mirror

Wzór: Gifts sets made with Swarovski crystals
Kod: GS-6
Opis: Gifts sets with glass file, tweezers and pocket mirror